A golfer in USA disqualified himself after winning a junior PGA tournament! He did so after discovering that he had violated a rule of having an extra club, which incurred a penalty and hence incorrectly signing his scorecard. He could have kept quiet and got away with it as no one knew about it. But he did not. Upon discovering his 'mistake' he called the tournament director, explained what had happened, and returned the medal the following day.
You may be thinking that this is another story about honesty. What struck me about this story as I read it was that this golfer, Zach Nash, is a 14-year old. Even his parents did not expect him to have done that as they thought him to be just a regular teenager! A pleasant surprise. But they must have certainly done something right that their son did not hesitate to do what was right. Being honest can be costly in the short term but for Zach, it had made him more aware of all the rules of golfing! In his next tournament, he counted his clubs three times!